Fall Danciger Fellowships in Jewish Studies Available Now!

We are pleased to announce that once again, due to the continued generosity of the Danciger Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Kansas City, the KU Jewish Studies Program is honored to offer several merit-based and need-based fellowship opportunities for Fall 2022. These fellowships provide financial support to Jewish Studies majors, minors, and undergraduates with interest in Jewish studies. 

The Danciger Fellowship for Undergraduate Research in Jewish Studies awards $250 to Jewish Studies majors and minors who research and present on any topic of Jewish Studies during the Fall Undergraduate Research Showcase through the KU Center for Undergraduate Research. Jewish Studies students enrolled in 300-level courses and above and who are conducting research as part of their course assignments are encouraged to consult with their professors or research mentors and develop a conference proposal. The deadline to register to present at the showcase is 11:59PM, Wednesday, November 30thIn addition to registering, please email your abstract and confirmation of submission no later than 11:59PM on December 1st, 2022, to jewishstudies@ku.edu, with the subject “Danciger Undergraduate Research Fellowship” addressed to the “Jewish Studies Fellowship Committee.” 
The Danciger Essay Contest in Jewish Studies is open to all KU undergraduates who submit an original essay of no more than 5,000 words on any Jewish Studies topic of their choice. The essay can include an assigned term paper on a topic drawn from any generally recognized Jewish Studies subfields, including: The Bible and History of Biblical Interpretation; Gender and Sexuality Studies; Holocaust Studies; Interdisciplinary, Theoretical, and New Approaches; Israel Studies; Jewish History and Culture in Antiquity; Jewish Languages and Literatures; Jewish Mysticism; Jewish Philosophy; Jewish Politics; Jews, Film, and the Arts; Medieval and Early Modern Jewish History; Modern Jewish History; Rabbinic Literature and Culture; Sephardi and Mizrachi Studies; Social Sciences; and Yiddish Studies. Cash prizes will be awarded for first ($500), second ($300), and third place ($200) essays. The deadline for submission is 11:59PM, December 9th. Please email your essay to with the subject “Danciger Essay Contest” to jewishstudies@ku.edu addressed to “Jewish Studies Fellowship Essay Committee”. 
The Danciger Excellence Award for the Study of the Hebrew Language is presented to at least one student each semester at all levels of Hebrew study (beginning, intermediate, and advanced). The recipients are evaluated based on classroom performance, academic excellence, and dedication to the study of Hebrew. Each recipient will be determined by the Jewish Studies Faculty Fellowship Committee in consultation with Ms. Shelley Rissien, the KU Hebrew Coordinator. If you are enrolled in a Hebrew class at any level, you are automatically considered for this award.  
In addition, Danciger Need-Based Fellowships are available to all Jewish Studies majors and minors in need of financial support. Funds of $500-$1000 are available to those who qualify. FAFSA eligibility at the time of application is required in accordance with KU policy. Please submit a short narrative with your explanation of need to the Director of the Jewish Studies Program, to Dr. Renee Perelmutter rperel@ku.edu, with “Need-based award” in the subject line. All Need-based applications and awards are confidential. There is no deadline to apply, and there is no need to wait. Students can apply once a semester and apply again all future semesters even if they previously received this need-based support.