Democratic Erosion (?): The Impact of Judicial Reform in Israel - A Panel Discussion

Please join the Jewish Studies Program and the Center for Global and International Studies on Wednesday, March 8th, 2023 at 2PM in Alderson Auditorium, in the Kansas Memorial Union for a panel discussion on the current events happening in Israel. The recently elected government announced its intention to pursue judicial reforms that would reformulate the checks & balances in the Israeli system of government. One suggested reform would enable the legislative branch to bypass decisions made by the judicial branch. These reforms will have stark implications for the rights of minorities within Israel as well as Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Our panel of experts will discuss these developments in the context of historical and contemporary processes, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the on-going global trend of democratic erosion. Panelists include Visiting Assistant Professor of Israel Studies, Israel Institute Teaching Fellow, and Jewish Studies faculty, Dr. Noa Balf; Associate Professor of Middle East History, Department of History, Dr. Marie Grace Brown; and Assistant Professor of Israel Studies in Jewish Studies, Dr. Rami Zeedan.